Sunday, May 5, 2013

Falling Blossoms on Burnside Street

Bright pink fallen blossoms around my feet while walking around SE Burnside Street in Portland -  I snapped some shots to capture this fleeting window of time we are leaving behind - when the blossoms begin to fall to make way for the unfurling of green leaves.  This is where you might be finding yourself right now - you've seen too many things around you fall and fall apart.

But you're forgetting about the unfurling - the new beginning that awaits you.  If your plans, or your hopes, or your art has seemed like these blossoms - trampled underfoot on a busy sidewalk - maybe that was just a way to make space in your life for new and better things to come. 

Today is Orthodox Christian Easter - also known as Pascha - the Hebrew word for Passover.  Orthodox Christianity waits for the Jewish Passover each year before we celebrate the resurrection.   And I am always so in need of a new beginning by this time of the year - for a resurrection in my faith, and in my hope.  Whenever I watch the falling of things - the falling apart of things - I need to remember that this is not an end in itself.  This is a way of making room for things to come.

(c) 2013 writing and photos by Chloe - all rights reserved


Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

Short and perfect. Thank you. You really do have such a gift. I hope your Easter was as beautiful as these blossoms. And, I have to say, those are great boots.

Chloe Koffas said...

Thanks so much, dear friend. I liked the juxtaposition of the blossoms on the steps - they've fallen off the tree and are beginning to disintegrate, yet they landed on stair steps as if they are heading up to something higher. It seems like you and I were discussing juxtapositions in photography a while back. Anyway, your comments always make my week....