While I wasn't exactly sure why I was doing this when I started, in doing the project, I was able to mend a few rips and patch a few holes in my soul. In the mending of my own experience, I am more able to offer up string and a needle to help others do the same. I think a good metaphor for life is a quilt - while there are many old pieces of material that are best thrown away, there are also many pieces that are important to keep. This project shows you how I am stitching the quilt of my life, so to speak. The pictures in the Fireflies at Dusk entries are done in a sort of anonymous way - since this is a sort of "picture yourself here" project.

What it included:
The journey included arcades, movies, root beer floats, Atari, the glow of fiber optics, Peanuts holiday specials, a pumpkin patch, a retro Halloween costume from the 1960's, homemade construction paper valentines, a new guitar, and Easter eggs.
It's sort of amazing to think about...

To read all the Fireflies at Dusk entries - scroll down the blog archives on the right - it took place from summer 2011 to summer 2012.
To get you started, here is a link to the very first piece: Pizza and Atari night
All photos for the Fireflies at Dusk project were taken by Chloe (c) 2011-2012. All rights reserved.