If you missed the Schoolhouse Rock 50th Anniversary singalong earlier this month on ABC, be sure to go back and watch it on Disney+, or be sure to watch whatever your favorite Schoolhouse Rock song was on YouTube.
Not to let out any spoilers if you're late to the party like I was, but I'm not sure how you could pack more Gen X retro pop culture into three minutes than when the Muppets themselves cover a Schoolhouse Rock song.
On another note, the adjectives song sometimes gets stuck in my head and goes on repeat play for hours at a time while I do dishes, laundry, and try to get stuff done. The only thing that makes it stop is if I play some 1990's Nirvana. By design, these songs were supposed to get stuck in your head (how else would we have remembered our multiplication tables?) so just letting you know how to fix the problem if the same thing happens to you.
In case you were wondering, after all these decades three is STILL a magic number! I love that Blind Melon covered this magical song years back and that Black Eyed Peas played the song for the 50th anniversary show.
My daughter and I have watched many of the original videos together over the years, and we usually enjoy these with root beer or Creamsicle floats...
she recently asked an important question, "Why is Interplanet Janet okay hanging out on the sun (she says it's a lot of fun) but then she says that the planet Mercury is too hot (the mercury on Mercury was much too high)?
That's a good question....