ONE is a global campaign that is both nonpartisan and non-profit. The focus is to end extreme poverty and preventable disease so that human beings everywhere may experience a life of dignity and opportunity. It's a shift in thinking beyond charity, it's about creating justice and equality. Whether it's lobbying political leaders or running grassroots campaigns, ONE steps up to have conversations with governments in different parts of the world to empower millions of lives.
Members of ONE include writers, artists, faith and business leaders, healthcare professionals and scientists. It was co-founded by Bono and includes people of every culture and generation.
If there ever was a time when world leaders needed to come together to come up with a unified plan for solving something, it is now. Defeating the COVID-19 pandemic will take every one of us. There is currently a petition on the website that you can sign to urge world leaders to come up with a global pandemic response plan: one world petition
(c) 2020 image credit: ONE Campaign