Our pet rock, Rocky, and his mom, Roxanna, were asked by a family of retro Fisher-Price Little People if they would house sit while they went on vacation. It's a house with a lot of amenities, so they happily agreed. When the rest of the little family was packed up in the car, Fisher-Price Mom gave a few final instructions on picking up the mail. Then, she put on her favorite red outfit, and headed out the door....
If you are ever going to house sit for someone, I would highly recommend doing this for retro Little People circa 1969. Their houses have double ovens, and as you can see here, they left a roasting turkey for their guests in the lower oven and baking bread in the top one. The only reason Rocky was sinking behind the table was because his mom told him he was going to have to eat some asparagus with his dinner.
After dinner, Roxanna went upstairs to see about unpacking her suitcase. When she turned on the light, she realized the closet was already pretty full of late 1960's styles clothes, including some Jackie Kennedy style hats in boxes up on the shelf. She decided just to keep her clothes in her suitcase.
Meanwhile, Rocky was upstairs checking out the kids' room where he was going to stay. He had so many questions in his mind...was it okay to play with their toys? If so, did the sailboat need to go back to the exact same spot on the shelf?
Just then, he remembered he had left the garage half open. Any good house-sitter knows, you have to close the garage.
It was the end of a long day. They decided to relax by the fire as the sun went down. Every day is an adventure when you are a pet rock, especially when you are friends with retro Fisher-Price Little People....

Happy 50th anniversary to the little blue Fisher-Price house that so many of us Gen Xers played with in our pre-school days! My earliest childhood memories of the late 1970's are full of the images on the walls of these rooms.
(c) 2019 Chloe Koffas