Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Generation X Film in Progress

A while back I wrote about Xingularity, a film currently being created about Generation X.  I initially found out about it after being emailed about the project by Manny Merchan, the director and producer.  Work on this independent film continues, and this is one of the most powerful teasers for the film:

If the above image isn't visible to you, click this link: 

The first time I saw the above clip, there were tears falling on the space bar of my keyboard.  For Gen Xers out there who were not believed when you tried to tell your story, these statistics can help tell the story for you.  For  Gen Xers no longer living, these statistics can speak some truth on their behalf.

The statistics below are the ones in the short clip which make a clear statement about the growing up years of Generation X.  These statistics should give a serious dose of empathy and respect for the people that are called Generation X - kids who grew up in the 1970s/1980s:

  • The number of daycare centers doubled
  • In 1982, there were more than 7 million latchkey kids
  • The average American father in the 1980s spent 37 seconds a day in direct dialogue with his kids
  • The average mother spent less than 10 minutes talking to her preschooler
  • In 1985, there were more than 2 million cases of child abuse and neglect, a 300 percent increase over 1976
  • Each year 40,000 children were hospitalized because of injuries from parents and caregivers
  • During the 1970s, the age group that suffered the largest increase in homicide were those between one and four year of age 

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